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Osteopathy Doctors in Nashik
An osteopathic physician performs manual techniques to balance all of the body’s systems and promote overall good health and wellness rather than only focusing on the area that is problematic. Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is the term used to describe the diagnosis and treatment of conditions utilizing these methods (OMM). Stretching, gentle pressure, and resistance are among the methods used in osteopathic manipulative treatment. To enhance the all-encompassing, physical approach to treatment, an osteopathic physician may also prescribe medication for medications and perform surgery. Numerous osteopathic physicians work as primary care physicians in specialties like pediatrics, internal medicine, and family medicine. Uses

Osteopathy can provide relief and treatment for a wide range of conditions. These include:
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Benefits Osteopathy can benefit the musculoskeletal framework and other systems. Osteopathy and back pain Though back pain is a common reason for people to visit an osteopathic physician, prevention is also a possibility. The increasingly sedentary life style of today spending approximately 10-12 hours per day in front of screen can lead to this could lead in musculoskeletal problems and poor posture. Treatment entails delicate manipulation, particularly of the soft tissues and muscles. The physician may a stretch or a massage muscle. The osteopathic physician may recommend performing certain imaging tests and refer the patient to conventional treatment if there are indications of a slipped disc or some other serious condition. By promptly identifying potential causes of referred pain, an osteopathic physician can aid in problem prevention. They may suggest dietary changes as well as ergonomically designed improvements, like changes to seating and desk positioning. Prevention advice can involve:
• stretching exercises
• lifting techniques
• stress reduction